Heritage Project

We thank everyone who has supported the All Saints for All Generations project, including Lottery Players though the National Lottery Heritage Fund. Here is a quick summary of what we have achieved in 8 years, 2015-2023.
Project Aims
- Repair Ladbroke Church building
- Get people to share their time & skills
- Improve the quality of peoples lives
- Engage a wider range of people with our heritage
- Promote slow tourism
Money raised and given
+ National Lottery Heritage Fund grant = % of spend 75%(Dev phase) or 67% (Deliv phase)
+ VAT grant on most surveys & repairs
£30,000 +180 volunteer days in Development Phase (2018-2019)
£470,000 + 622 volunteer days in Delivery Phase (2020- 2023)
Repairs Completed
- Stonework, glazing, porch, south aisle roof & lychgate repairs
New Interpretation of our heritage
- New website full of information - ladbrokeheritage.org.uk
- You can follow Ladbroke Heritage on Facebook (+ Instagram during the project)
- Stonework & glazing repairs exhibition ; YouTube videos: “Behind the Scaffolding” on stonework and stained glass
- Village history trail – maps, tours by our trained guides, leaflet (English + 7 more languages on-line)
- Photos & transcriptions of our churchyard memorials on www.billiongraves.com
- Booklets and leaflets –Ladbroke Church, Stained Glass, Jurassic Ladbroke, Geology of gravestones & church, Alice and the Adventurer, I-spy etc. Download from this website or get a hard copy from church
Activities for all during the project
- Events and workshops – Orphaned Bat Beturn, Birdsong, Scything, Archaeology, Church and Gravestone Geology, Guitar Concert, Birds of Prey,
- For families & children - Rock Detectives, Art Workshop, Treasure Trail,
- An Evening with Lady Alice and replica of the Dudley Plate paten
- Photography competition, exhibition, on-line Advent Calendar & A Picture a Day during May
- Talks on Stained Glass, Church Repairs, Alice and the Adventurer, Ladbroke Wildlife
- Exhibitions in the Phone Box
- School sessions at Ladbroke Church and in schools
- Heritage and Friendship Group
- Lottery Project case study for church architects and other churches, mentoring and advice.
Not finished, just the end of the beginning
It has been a huge amount of work but the All Saints for All Generations project has resulted not only our church building being in much better condition but more appreciation of our heritage too and stronger ties between the church and people in the local community and beyond. We are pleased that as well as Ladbroke Church being a place of worship, with a service every Sunday, these aspects continue:
- the building is open daily from 10am to 4pm for people to come inside and pray, contemplate or explore.
- armchair travellers can discover about our heritage on-line (see other pages of this website and links above).
- we will hold special open days with guides to show you around, exhibitions etc
- there's a warm welcome for everyone at our monthly Heritage & Friendship Group
In addition, you can book
- tours of Ladbroke Church &/or Ladbroke Village for your family, friends or organised groups up to 30 people.
- off-site talks to groups, these are popular with WI, local history and friendhip clubs etc.
- curriculum-linked school sessions on RE and rocks/fossils, held in school or at Ladbroke Church.
Finally, if you are faced with a similar challenge, a church or another heritage building in need of repair and are considering asked for a grant from the National Lottery Heritage Fund our project leader would be happy to share more details of our approach and things learnt during the process. Please email [email protected]